Still on a Hiatus, but There IS News

Eric Esqueda
2 min readApr 7, 2023


another one I took by just searching for the word “writing”

Nothing huge, just an update on some things I’ve been thinking about. For one, I’ll be writing about more than just fighting video games; Alongside that, I’ll write about my writing process in general & my process when I write poetry. Articles on those will be the first two I write when I come back to writing regularly on here.

I also wanted to change it up so I can MAKE MYSELF practice writing; I tend to be scattered brained and having a focus to write helps me to do that. I need to practice writing for a myriad of reasons, but here’s a few I can name off the top of my head:

— I need to practice writing for my future professional life

— I need to practice writing for my side projects, including my poetry writing.

— You don’t really learn how to edit writing unless you write more, so I need to write to learn how to edit better.

— If I’m going to talk about it on here, then I’ll have to force myself to learn to be better at it.

— I like to write, and it’s an extremely useful skill to like to practice.

I know a lot of things are second nature for writers, at least writers who write regularly, but they aren’t *really* for me. I have a lot of ideas for articles later, especially for my journey in the Fighting Game Community. I’ve always wanted to write about my process when I write poetry, how I get ideas, and some things about my writing process.

Really the goal is more than that, I want articles that people will read and read all the way through them as well. We’ve all been writing since we’ve been children in grade school, if you say you haven’t…you have. We all know some basic rules to writing, and some basic things about the things people will want to read.

I’ve had a lot happen in my life lately, a LOT happen; But that doesn’t mean I stop writing, I’ve outlined my reasons for writing on here again. I have some promising ideas floating in my head, and I’m ready soon to start putting more out there.



Eric Esqueda

Writer/poet for hire &fighting game enthusiast. Where I write about my writing process, my journey playing fighting games. And my process writing poetry.