The USA is Falling Apart, And I Finally Found Love in This Chaos

Eric Esqueda
2 min readMay 3, 2022

I don’t know how many people will even read this, let alone actually internalize it. But I finally found love, it’s with someone that needs a lot of healing. I’m not a healer, I’m a fighter first…so I already have that going against me.

But yesterday The Supreme Court of the United States of America issued a draft that was leaked by the clerk to Justice Alito. And it spelled the beginning of the end to the right to abortion in, not only southern states…but every state that the Republican party is trying to gain a majority in.

Even if we save Roe vs. Wade today…they’ll keep coming, and coming and coming. Conservative states already have mechanisms in place the moment the skeleton of this case is finally killed off. Conservatives aren’t stupid, heartless maybe…but not stupid. This is their proving ground to the Conservative majority in SCOTUS.

Maybe you don’t see it, but it’s the truth. You need to know that now, you need to face that now. I still present as a cisgender male, this decision has very few consequences for my reproductive rights. But, I’m in love with someone who was born a cisgender woman.

And she wants children, and she won’t be able to take the news of the repeal of Roe vs. Wade lightly. For her, I will fight like the demon everyone thought I was…I will do everything I can to crush the conservative movement into history. I will crush your movement & have it be a footnote in some law student’s submission to a law journal in the future.

If you read this much I’m asking you, to join me. Actually, defend women and their reproductive rights. Even if this happens, I’m asking you right here…right now…join me. Go and take a social media break if you have to, if you can…join me.

And fight, not like an angel…fight like the demon they think you are.



Eric Esqueda

Writer/poet for hire &fighting game enthusiast. Where I write about my writing process, my journey playing fighting games. And my process writing poetry.