This Blog Will Officially be One About Fighting Games, and the Fighting Game Community

Eric Esqueda
2 min readAug 22, 2022


Just something quick I made up for this announcement

First off, this is a blogging site. Sorry Medium creators, investors, and editors…this is a blogging site. It’s like two steps above Tumblr, just accept that right now.

Second, I won’t have like a schedule set for when I write for now. Mostly because I don’t feel like having one, that’s it.

And third, I decided on this mainly because…I still want to be paid to say something I’ll probably say anyway online. Yes, I am probably going to write these articles regardless of the cents that Medium pays out. And even if this is just another blogging site, it’s a site that pays and has the biggest platform FOR bloggers anyway. So why not?

And lastly, I love fighting games. Like legit this is my favorite genre of video games, above beat’em ups (which I technically played first), and above literally any other genre of video games you can comment about…literally all of them.

I know I can write about this, people might listen to me; because I legit love this genre of games. For the longest time, I didn’t call myself a gamer, because I thought “why am I gonna call myself a gamer if I really only love one type of game…fighting games,” but eventually I did. But that fact still remains, even if I like other genres of games, fighting games are what have my heart forever.

So I might as well get paid cents for talking about something I’m gonna talk about regardless.



Eric Esqueda

Writer/poet for hire &fighting game enthusiast. Where I write about my writing process, my journey playing fighting games. And my process writing poetry.